
Plan20-50 Public Hearing #2

The second Plan20-50 Public Hearing will be held on Thursday, August 8, 2024
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Plan20-50 Public Hearing #1

The first Plan20-50 Public Hearing will be held on Thursday, July 25, 2024
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Plan20-50 Given First Reading

Reaching a new milestone with Plan20-50....
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Read Plan20-50

The WMR is happy to present Plan20-50: A Regional Plan for the Winnipeg Metropolitan Region, which was given first reading by the WMR Board of Directors. It is the first step in maintaining and building a strong economy and strong communities, while being good stewards of our land and water.

Creating more freedom to express the values of our unique communities

Whether it is a healthy love of the outdoors, a language preference, or nightlife, arts and entertainment; when the base structures are well in place, communities have more resources and freedom to express their individuality and attract like-minded people and enterprises.

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