May 19, 2022
| 11 00 AM - 01 30 PM
1405 St. Matthews Avenue | Winnipeg
Future Focus 2050 with Dr. Mark Levine
Real estate
Join us on Thursday, May 19th as local leaders explore the impacts of Driverless Vehicles on our communities, our economy & our environment.
Experts have described the entrance of Driverless Vehicle (DV) technology as one of the biggest disrupters since smartphones became the dominant mode of communication, Netflix took on the television industry and Amazon became our global marketplace.DVs are no longer seen as part of a distant future, this technology has made its way to the forefront as leaders plan and invest in the future. Companies from across a variety of sectors like Amazon, Apple, Google, Microsoft, CISCO, Ford, New Flyer, General Motors, Stantec, Panasonic, Siemens, Tesla, Uber and UPS are all making massive investments in DV technology and pushing the limits of innovation.
On Thursday May 19th Dr. Mark Levine a Fulbright Scholar and DV expert from the University of Denver will lead a conversation on Driverless Vehicles and offer his insights on what DV technology means today and what it may look like in the not-so-distant future.
If we are to address the challenges and realize the opportunities of DV technology we will need to have a good understanding of the stages and timelines expected, the predicted impact to the business as usual approach, how we should be planning and investing and where we should place our bets!
Join us on Thursday May 19th as leaders from government, business, industry, academia and civil society explore the impacts of Driverless Vehicles (DV) on our communities, our economy and our environment.
11:00 a.m. Registration and networking
12:00 p.m. Program starts
12:15 p.m. Lunch service
12:40 p.m. Keynote
1:30 p.m. Program ends