September 24, 2020
| 10 00 AM - 11 00 AM
- - | Winnipeg Metropolitan Region
Ground Rules Part 2
We can’t set regional land use policy in a vacuum.
In the 4th webinar of the series, WMR planners tied up loose ends from Phase 1 of the planning process and checked that we were all on the same page heading into the crux of the planning, Policy Development, in Phase 2.They also introduced the Plan20-50 workbook – designed to guide policy direction and development.
Lisa Prime, Master Planner, lead discussions on transitioning into Phase 2 — Policy Development.
Laren Bill, Chair of the Implementation Monitoring Committee, provided input on the plan from his perspective in engaging Indigenous government and community organizations on where Plan20-50 policy can help facilitate collaboration.
See the full webinar here.