November 25, 2019
Progress Made Toward Building Climate-Resiliency in Manitoba Communities
November 25, 2019 – Today’s announcement by the Honourable Premier Brian Pallister moves the METRO Region forward in building safe and strong communities with $15 million being invested for damage prevention and climate resiliency for municipalities in the capital region. According to Premier Pallister, an additional $3 million will be invested this year for “critical and local measures” namely spring flood preparedness. The investment will be made according to the priorities of the Association of Manitoba Municipalities (AMM) and the Winnipeg METRO Region (WMR).
“Manitobans know first-hand the devastating effects extreme weather events such as flooding and drought has on property, infrastructure, our communities and our economy,” says Colleen Sklar, Executive Director of the Winnipeg METRO Region and Chair of the Expert Advisory Council (EAC) for the Made-in Manitoba Climate and Green Plan, “Today’s announcement from Premier Pallister creates an opportunity to address and manage spring flooding in the short-term while creating climate-ready communities long in to the future.”
Today’s announcement sets a course for proactive and solution-based planning and action to meet the real and potentially significant challenges to our environment, economy and our communities. “We know that resiliency isn’t built one community at a time,” says Fran Smee, co-chair of the WMR and Reeve of the RM of Rosser, “By working together from the solid collaborative base we have built at the METRO Region we can begin immediately to ensure we make the greatest impact toward emergency preparedness and building resiliency in our communities.”
“Manitobans know first-hand the devastating effects extreme weather events such as flooding and drought has on property, infrastructure, our communities and our economy,” says Colleen Sklar, Executive Director of the Winnipeg METRO Region and Chair of the Expert Advisory Council (EAC) for the Made-in Manitoba Climate and Green Plan, “Today’s announcement from Premier Pallister creates an opportunity to address and manage spring flooding in the short-term while creating climate-ready communities long in to the future.”
Today’s announcement sets a course for proactive and solution-based planning and action to meet the real and potentially significant challenges to our environment, economy and our communities. “We know that resiliency isn’t built one community at a time,” says Fran Smee, co-chair of the WMR and Reeve of the RM of Rosser, “By working together from the solid collaborative base we have built at the METRO Region we can begin immediately to ensure we make the greatest impact toward emergency preparedness and building resiliency in our communities.”