August 20, 2024
Official Statement: Plan20-50 — Adhering to Provincial Legislation
The Government of Manitoba created the Winnipeg Metropolitan Region (WMR) as a statutory corporation under provincial legislation, The Planning Act. The WMR's mandate is to enhance economic and social development across the region by improving and coordinating sustainable land use and development. The Government of Manitoba has legislated both this mandate and the process by which the regional plan, Plan20-50, is to be adopted.
The 18 member municipalities that make up the WMR are also identified in legislation, along with the composition of the WMR Board, which consists of 18 elected officials, each representing one of the member municipalities, and four provincially appointed directors. The Board of Directors is responsible for delivering on its mandate as a planning region, which, as outlined in legislation, requires adopting a regional planning by-law. Plan20-50 has been developed to meet this goal. The plan was given First Reading on June 13, 2024, which moved the plan forward in the legislative adoption process.
Plan20-50 is now in the next stage of the adoption process, the public hearing stage, which spans two sessions and has been adjourned. During this adjournment period, the requirements of the process must be maintained, and as such, the WMR Board cannot discuss matters related to the plan outside of the public hearing forum. Meeting with individual stakeholders outside the official process could be perceived as giving unfair advantage of influence, which goes against the principles of open and transparent governance. A re-scheduled public hearing will be advertised as per notification requirements in The Planning Act.
The public hearing process is governed by provincial legislation, which ensures fairness, transparency, and equal opportunity for all stakeholders to provide input. The need for public input is critical to the success of developing a regional plan.
The Winnipeg Metropolitan Region encourages citizens to read the plan. To download the plan and review the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) go to the Plan20-50 website https://www.20to50.ca.
Download Plan20-50
Frequently Asked Questions
The 18 member municipalities that make up the WMR are also identified in legislation, along with the composition of the WMR Board, which consists of 18 elected officials, each representing one of the member municipalities, and four provincially appointed directors. The Board of Directors is responsible for delivering on its mandate as a planning region, which, as outlined in legislation, requires adopting a regional planning by-law. Plan20-50 has been developed to meet this goal. The plan was given First Reading on June 13, 2024, which moved the plan forward in the legislative adoption process.
Plan20-50 is now in the next stage of the adoption process, the public hearing stage, which spans two sessions and has been adjourned. During this adjournment period, the requirements of the process must be maintained, and as such, the WMR Board cannot discuss matters related to the plan outside of the public hearing forum. Meeting with individual stakeholders outside the official process could be perceived as giving unfair advantage of influence, which goes against the principles of open and transparent governance. A re-scheduled public hearing will be advertised as per notification requirements in The Planning Act.
The public hearing process is governed by provincial legislation, which ensures fairness, transparency, and equal opportunity for all stakeholders to provide input. The need for public input is critical to the success of developing a regional plan.
The Winnipeg Metropolitan Region encourages citizens to read the plan. To download the plan and review the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) go to the Plan20-50 website https://www.20to50.ca.
Download Plan20-50
Frequently Asked Questions